Opera nova contemplatiua p[er] ogni fidel christiano laquale tratta de le figure del testamento vecchio : le quale figura… (SSS.54.33)
Old Testament stories are retold in a simplified way in this attractive book, using running headers and large illustrations.
Officium beate ma-/rie virginis s[ecundu]m co[n]/suetudinem ro/mane curie (SSS.34.2)
A tiny, printed prayer book or ‘book of hours’ was cheap and accessible to a wide audience, and would have been used daily in many households.
Translatio miraculosa ecclesie beate Marie uirginis de Loreto (Inc.7.B.2.27[3660])
This brief printed pamphlet is a rare example of the kind of pilgrim souvenir that a visitor to the Holy House of Loreto might have acquired for a small sum from a local vendor. An early 16th-century owner has added his name to the front.
Incomentiano le deuote meditatione sopra la passione del nostro signore (Inc.5.B.3.2[4321])
This book was annotated by an early owner, who identifies herself inside the text as a nun, Sister Alexia. A second owner from within the convent, Sister Teofila, probably received the book from her fellow nun and has also added her name inside.
All of these digital representations of the books are hosted by the Cambridge Digital Library.